31. “Marvel Elements” – The secretive power of Helium
The new invention from Helium
How many of us get extremely excited when we see balloons? No matter how much we age, looking at balloons always excites us. That too, the fascination of how helium balloons are able to defy gravity adds on to a layer of happiness in each of us. Recently, helium, being the most noble of the noble gases, surprised chemists by forming chemical compounds! Now, our chemistry tutor will manage to surprise your little brains with this piece of information. In 2017, a bunch of scientists discovered a new compound- which was crystals made of sodium and helium atoms. In 2018, a team of researchers have offered an explanation as to how they have been performed. It was appreciated that the model presented was predictive and they explain every observation that has been made thus far. This fact used in our chemistry tuition will hopefully tingle our interest in discovering new inventions that we never thought would have been possible.
The biography of Mr. Helium
Since secondary school, we understand that helium is unlikely to combine with any other atoms, as it is loath to give up its only two electrons that perfectly fill its only electron shell. Our chemistry tutor will be able to teach the basic concepts of atoms. Every atom has such shells, which hold a specific number of electrons and these negatively charged particles would then surround the atomic nucleus. Atoms naturally prefer their shells to be completely filled and will bond with other atoms that can take or give up an extra particle or two to fill a shell. Noble gases belong to the category in which elements with shells are already full and have no electrons to lend. Helium, being the smallest of these, is the most inert. If so, what is so interesting about the new compound that has been produced? Helium manages to combine with other atoms without making any chemical bonds, without sharing or exchanging any electrons. This is done by shielding positively charged atoms from each other and acting as a buffer between their repellent charges. Additionally, they also found that “if you put sodium and helium together and compress it to pressures like at the center of the Earth, sodium can actually react with helium and form stable compounds.”
Our chemistry tutor will not only guide you along with the properties of helium, but will also be able to provide mini science facts to intrigue your brain cells!
How did Helium suddenly become a hero?
New inventions are always amazing and interesting. These scientific inventions taught through our chemistry tuition can blow your mind, make you fascinated and inspire you to discover more about the matter. If so, let me give you guys a little bit more detail. As stated, high pressure has the capability to crush a group of sodium atoms to the extent by which the extra electron on each atom gets squeezed out, transforming all the atoms into positively charged ions. These ions will then repel all its neighbouring ions, as like charges repel each other. Similarly, the reasoning given by the group of researchers stated that just like any other atoms, if helium atoms could come and sit in between sodium ions, the distance between the positive charges would increase, the repulsive energy would reduce thus stabilising material. Although not a common finding, our chemistry tuition will be able to deliver such amazing facts, at your ease!
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Chemistry Tuition Singapore @ MY CHEM CAFE
Principal Chemistry Tutor: Mr. Jacky Wong